There are two parts to the rules, the year long competition and the day trip competitions.


  • Points are used if there is no clear winner from number of species caught and for finding the winner of largest catch in each Species.
  • All fish are measured in milimetres
  • All fish measured at the club day (or away) trips count towards the year long competition.
  • The points (Fish Length) is based on the largest species caught in the competition period, i.e if you catch a 400mm snapper in one trip and then catch a 540mm snapper on another trip your score for the year for snapper will be 540 plus the largest other species to give a final score.
  • Weekend trips with two or more days fishing - only your largest of each species caught over the weekend will be recorded.
  • Average Snapper prize - all snapper measured are added together and divided by the number caught, the closest to the average number wins, if more then one has the average size the winner is whoever has the closest next number to the average score


  • If two fish are weighed-in at equal length then the first fish that was submitted for weighing shall be deemed the longest. The second fish weighed-in at that weight shall then become the runner-up.
  • Average length prize, this is when the average length of snapper caught is used to determine person who caught the fish nearest to the average size!